
The lean grean goes back

February 15, 2008

New one

She took my wallet
and threw it in the garbage, the sunshiny sister-in-law of mine.
– You can’t have such an awful thing to carry your money in!
And then she took me to the store to buy me a new one.
– But it has to be real thin, I complained. Not at all happy with her arbitrary conduct.
– It has to fit in my pocket.
Well the new one she got me kind of did. But what didn’t fit, was the swedish bills.
They kept sticking out all over the place.
And my friends back home . . . how they laughed.
– En grosshandlarplånbok!
Ha ha ha ha.
Stupid guys!

Anyway, I used it for almost a year now.
And kept trying out different currencies in it: norweigan crowns, german euros and finnish. None of them fit.
But all the time I kept a last green, lean one pressed up against the back of the pretenious thing.
Perhaps to remind me that I had promised to come back. Soon.
And so, now I am. Going back.
Unfortunately a lot sooner than I had planned.
But well, that’s how it is.

The old dollar bill seems quite thrilled though. He just got some new friends to keep him company for the trip.
The young master generously handed over his left overs from the past summer.
Eight lean, green uncles Sams.
Early tomorrow (or rather today) all ten of us are headingWest.
Once moore the roots are calling.

Old one
I can really see what she had against this fine sample!


  1. A long time since I was in here. And off you go. Well, happy trails to you then. And don’t forget your little traveling companion 😉

  2. The question is if you should have a non-green wallet fit for green money or a green waalet fit for non-green money. If you, on the other hand buy an expensive wallet there will be no bills left over to be sticking out 😀

  3. Well, I will follow you
    on this trip, too…;-)..
    far more west
    than I could imagine,
    this time,
    and all the best
    to you,
    hoping you´ll find some good things to do
    for these bills so thin
    and for now on, no more rhyme…
    just listening when he sings
    this trip-song
    on “the other side”
    while you´re flying away
    going world wide
    on these steel wings,
    which I hope bring
    you back again this spring
    when the birds and the bees are calling
    and before the leaves are falling…
    so you can take a bath in the lake of yours
    in the summertime of cours….
    But now I am a bit off course,
    so till then…Bye, bye and “Tjingeling”….;-)
    (oops, I lied, coudn´t stop the rhyme, but I hope it´s no crime?!)

  4. I presume You are on greener grass, with all that cheap green money 😉 Happy Journey, and don’t forget to take some pic’s for our old O’shit Gallery! 😉

  5. And where are you now?
    We are suffering in vain
    I leave this city for Spain

  6. …Poff!

    The seek her here, they seek her there…
    …take care!


  7. är ute och kvastar runt lite
    ska ru me till Blåkulla?

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